
Commitment to Sustainable Luxury
We have always been committed to conserving energy, and reducing water and waste, be it on our construction sites, in our hotels, offices or the homes that we build. In keeping with our commitment to sustainable luxury and conscious living, our homes typically include features such as rainwater harvesting, waste management, solar panelling, drip irrigation, construction of sewage treatment plants, dual flush WCs and the adoption of STADs systems for recycling of wastewater.
Each of our spaces is constructed using materials with good insulation properties thereby reducing the demand for energy required for regulative temperatures. Smart placement of windows throughout our structures further limits the energy loss.
We endeavour to adopt materials like bricks or block made from construction waste to reduce the impact on the environment.

Enriching Neighbourhoods
At Riviera, our spaces are not just built for the present-day but are crafted to enrich the neighbourhoods in which they are located perpetually. We achieve this through our commitment to excellence in design, sensitive landscaping, and sustainable construction practices that perfectly complement the Goan climate. Our homes are therefore designed to blend seamlessly with the traditional landscape and architecture of Goa.

Responsible Sourcing
We have a zero-tolerance policy for human rights abuses and worker exploitation. We therefore procure materials, labour and services responsibly, and favour products with low environmental and health impacts.

Innovation and Development
We constantly research, develop and incorporate emerging building techniques and technologies to improve our build speed, quality of our construction, the health and safety of our workforce, and reduce environmental impacts.